Vigilant to Vibrant Marriage & Committed Relationship Seminar

September 28, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm

To adapt a quote from C.S. Lewis “Is marriage safe? Oh my, no – but it is GOOD.” If you are married, or are looking to enter into marriage or a committed relationship, you may know or at the very least anticipate some of the challenges and areas of growth, as well as the beauty and gifts, that marriage can offer. We want to support you and help you grow, and prepare and strengthen you personally and relationally so your relationship can be lasting and full of life and love.

Here are some things you will learn in this relationship seminar:

➡ How to mitigate some of the conflicts we experience by learning to celebrate (and not criticize or challenge) our differences

➡ How to grow in intimacy and sharing of your whole person: Spiritually, Informationally, Physically and Emotionally (S.I.P.E.)

➡ What the difference is between sex and making love

➡ How to understand if we are operating and living from a place of vigilance (fear, threat) or vibrance (calm, confidence)

➡ How to deepen our insight into our unique relationship and how we can understand each other’s worlds and connect more deeply

➡ And more!

This half-day seminar will come with a workbook that includes the seminar material as well as worksheets and a variety of questions following every topic that you and your partner can continue to work and process through, whether as a couple, with a trusted mentor couple, or a therapist or coach! We so look forward to learning and growing together and celebrating the beautiful reflection of God’s heart for us in marriage.

Saturday, September 28th, 2024.
9am – 12pm
Cost is $150 per couple.
(Scholarships available: email for more info.)