About US

River City Church

Get to Know Us

About the Pastors

Pacific Northwest natives, Tyler & Katie Minton, along with their three kids Ethan, Emma & Audrey, absolutely love the South Puget Sound area. Tyler & Katie believe the Church is God’s plan ‘A’ and there is no plan ‘B’. Having experienced God’s hope & healing in their most broken-hearted places, they have a deep passion to see the wonderful people in the city they love come to experience God’s love, hope & healing too!

River City Values

We practice ridiculous love.

With God it’s always been about life-changing, soul-saving, broken heart-healing, forever-forgiving, identity-defining, deeply personal, ridiculous love, so for us, we will always be about that kind of love too.

We commit to Biblical community as an essential for spiritual maturity.

Church isn’t a service to attend, but a community to belong to. In community we practice the Way of Jesus together, we live with courageous authenticity knowing others and being known, and we laugh loud, hard and often.

We will do anything short of sin to reach people for Christ.

To reach people no one is reaching, we’ll have to do things no one is doing.

We center our lives around being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus and doing what Jesus did.

Discipleship doesn’t happen in a day, but in our daily rhythms.

We are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers.

The church doesn’t exist for us. We are the church and we exist for the world.

Beliefs & Statement of Faith

To learn more about River City Church's Beliefs & Statement of Faith, click here: