Water Baptism

Ready for Baptism?

Baptism at River City 

As followers of Jesus, we enter the waters of baptism declaring our repentance, faith and devotion to Jesus. Just as Jesus died and was raised to life, we enter the waters symbolizing leaving our old life behind, and rising out of the water made new in Jesus!

At River City Church, water baptism is a big celebration as we welcome new brothers & sisters into the family of God.

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Water Baptism FAQs

If you are a follower of Jesus and have never been water baptized before, then yes! This is an exciting step in our faith, and we are following in the Way of Jesus as He too was water baptized!

For some, water baptism happened during childhood or as a baby as part of a religious or family tradition. At River City, we see water baptism as a decision someone makes when they are fully aware of what it represents in their faith to Jesus. If this was the case for you, we’d love to invite you to get water baptized as part of your personal decision to follow Jesus!

Or maybe you were baptized and, for whatever reason, you have not been walking close with God and are desiring a fresh start. While there is no Biblical mandate to get re-baptized, you are more than welcome to as part of your commitment to a fresh start in Christ!

At River City, we see water baptism as a personal decision someone makes in their relationship with Jesus. If your child is old enough to have made that decision on their own, and they are desiring to be baptized as part of their faith in Christ, then absolutely!

If your child is too young for water baptism,  we do something called Child Dedication, where we as parents & the River City church family commit to raising our kids to follow Jesus and be committed to the family of God. For more information on Child Dedication, including to sign-up your child for our next Child Dedication service, head here.

On the day of your water baptism, you’ll want to bring:
•A towel
•A change of clothes
•Dark pants/shorts to get baptized in
•Your friends & family!

As a gift to celebrate this special day, River City will provide you with a T-Shirt to get baptized in and keep afterward! Just check in at the Info Booth on the day of your baptism to get your shirt!

Water Baptism is a celebration, so we encourage you to invite your friends and family (even if they aren’t followers of Jesus) to celebrate this exciting day with you!

You can sign up by filling out the quick form right here!