What is the Dream Team?

The Dream Team is designed to help you use your gifts and passions to make a difference here at River City Church and in our community. We offer many different teams to make it easy for you to serve. From greeting visitors on Sunday, to leading a Community Group. Each team makes an eternal impact.

Are you ready to take your next step and join the Dream Team?

Explore the Teams

Host Team

Host Teams are an essential part of church life and make River City feel like home to every person who walks through our doors. God uses Host Teams to set the stage to reach more people and change lives. Host Team serving opportunities include greeters, hospitality, ushers, kids check-in and more!

River City Kids Team

The River City Kids Team helps kids have a genuine relationship with God, build a biblical foundation for their lives, grow with friends and leaders, and love being at church. River City Kids ministers to kids ages 6 weeks - 5th grade. The River City Kids Team serves kids in the Littles Classes (6 wks - 2 yrs), Mids Classes (3 yrs - K), and Bigs Class (1st-5th Grade)!

Worship Team

The Worship Team facilitates life giving worship that glorifies God through utilizing the skills of vocalists and musicians. Serving opportunities include vocalists, musicians (acoustic, electric & bass guitar, drums, piano), and more!

Set-Up & Tear Down Team

The Ops Team makes it happen! This incredible team makes it possible to have service each week! Serving opportunities include the Set-Up Crew (serves at 7am-8:30am), the Tear Down Crew (serves after service), and Drivers for pulling the trailers. (Serves Saturdays and/or Sunday after tear down).

Production Team

 The Production Team facilitates a life-giving, distraction-free worship experience through the use of lighting, video, and audio. Serving opportunities include photographers, audio engineers, graphics operators, videographers, & more! As with all Dream Team positions, training is provided!

River City Students

The River City Students Team help middle school & high school students feel welcome and known through the weekly River City Students service on Sunday mornings where they connect with God, experience Him, and take their next steps.

Community Groups Team

The Community Groups Team leads weekly Community Groups for people to experience authentic community, find freedom, and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Let's make a difference together!